Teacher showing class the mood meter on a monitor

Who We Are

The High Five Movement inspires educational communities to shift consciousness toward positive thoughts and emotions in order to foster mental and emotional well-being and increase positive outcomes in research-grounded actions.

The High 5 Movement is a Tier 1 positivity portal that can be easily integrated into your school day. Developed by a seasoned classroom teacher, our portal is both affordable and efficient, requiring minimal staff training, and as little as a minute of class time to gather valuable school-wide data.

  • Chris Jones Headshot

    Chris Jones

    Chris is a biology teacher in Santa Barbara, California. He is passionate about social emotional learning, mental health well being, surfing, and volleyball.

  • Helen Murdoch headshot

    Helen Murdoch

    Helen was a social studies teacher and technology coach in Santa Barbara, California, and has worked in the education tech field. She is an avid reader, loves to travel, and feels best when she is helping others.

Our Vision Statement

We believe everyone deserves to be seen and supported. We enhance social emotional well being by identifying struggling students and staff and promoting positivity.

“I remember one time I came to school, just before that I had a fight with my mom, I felt very sad that day. Our teacher had us do high five it helped. I didn’t want to talk about it but when I did the mood meter it felt good. That day felt good cause sometimes it is so hard to share what my feelings are. When I am feeling sad it also feels good when I get a high five with a teacher or a friend. That is why high five movement is the best!”

— Kaylon

Letter from a student